España celebra el anuncio de la derrota de Daesh en Iraq

España celebra el anuncio de la derrota de Daesh en Iraq

Madrid.-El Gobierno saluda el anuncio del primer ministro iraquí, Haider Al Abadi, de la derrota del grupo terrorista Daesh en los últimos bastiones que conservaba en Iraq.


En estos momentos de especial significado, España expresa su apoyo y solidaridad a las autoridades iraquíes, a sus Fuerzas Armadas y, muy especialmente, al pueblo iraquí ante el esfuerzo y los innumerables sacrificios realizados en la lucha por su libertad y contra el terrorismo. Se abre ahora un futuro prometedor y lleno de desafíos como la reconstrucción del país, la vuelta a sus hogares de millones de desplazados y la consolidación de un Iraq estable, unido y fuerte. España estará al lado de los iraquíes en está difícil travesía.

La solidaridad internacional con Iraq ha sido clave para derrotar al terrorismo. La Coalición Global contra Daesh, en la que España participa de manera activa, ha estado al lado de los iraquíes. La experiencia ganada, la unidad mostrada, y la determinación en combatir esta amenaza para la paz y la seguridad internacionales, debe mantenerse en el futuro. Daesh ha sido derrotado territorialmente, pero la amenaza terrorista sigue viva.



His Excellency Prime Minister, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Dr.Haider Al-Abadi has declared the ending of entire clearance of the Aljazeera in Nineveh and Anbar completely and we have full control along the Iraqi - Syrian line's Border

This came during the speech delivered by His Excellency at the opening of the meetings for the Secretariat General, the Permanent Office of the Arab Union Journalists and the International Media Conference, where he has welcomed the distinguished guests in their second country Iraq, which coincides with the great victories achieved by our heroic forces.

Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has said that the victories were achieved by unity and determination. The enemy wanted to destroy our country and civilization and we have countered and defeated it.

He has added that the Nations capable of achieving the impossible if they united, and that success is achieved by respecting the differences between us and achieving the slogan of "me and the other" to achieve the development.

Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has said "If the nation unites, it will not be defeated by any power, "and he clarified that "Any force in the world will not be able to withdraw Palestine's Arab identity."
He has said that the empty nation will not win, he has demanded on all media to reveal the truth.

Dr. Haider Al-Abadi has said that the development will not be achieved by slogans, but by hard work, with friends in the world able to stand with us, he has pointed out that our nation is rebirth; we must win internally and in our society.

Media office of the prime minister


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